Just arrived! We got in a beautiful four month old female Eclectus. She is a gorgeous red and violet-blue colour and already talks very. If you’re interested we are selling her for only $1499, so you better hurry as she will sell.
The Eclectus Parrot is native to Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands. They are intelligent and vibrant birds who are very inquisitive and gentle. Eclectus are easy to train and sometimes train themselves. These birds are excellent talkers and respond best to food rewards so make sure you have a good supply on hand. They grow to about 35 cm and can live up to 30 years.
If you think this little girl is perfect for you then you will need to know the following information.
Eclectus parrots need a stable diet of:
  • 40% small parrot seed and high-quality crumbles and pellets;
  • 50% fruits and vegetables such as bananas, grapes, carrots and bok choy; and
  • 10% nuts and grains such as almonds.
We sell all these necessary vitamins and nutrients in our store. Provide fresh, clean water. If your Eclectus parrots live indoors, give them Vitamin D3 and Calcium Supplement. These parrots can’t get these by living inside. At VBC we use ‘Liquid Gold’.
You will need a cage for your Eclectus parrot. It should be at least 90x140cm so they have enough room to move around and stretch their wings. It is a playground or area where your parrot can be free. These parrots need to be out of their cage so they stay super friendly. At VBC we provide a variety of playgrounds and stands perfect for your feathered friend.
If all this makes you want this lovely female Eclectus then come in the store now and check her out, before you run out of time.

Pet Bird Care – Tips, Tricks and Training

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