Nanday Conure Adelaide

If you’re interested in a Nanday Conure and you live in Adelaide, then you have come to the right place. At Adelaide Bird Company we regularly have adorable Hand Raised Baby Nanday Conures who are SUPER TAME, make great companions and will sit on your shoulder and cuddle with you. This type of Nanday Conure is priced from $599-699 depending on the availability and time of the year. If you are in the market now for a Nanday or any other type of Conure, please visit our store in Elizabeth South.

From time to time we also have young Nanday Conures from around $350 because they haven’t been hand reared. The hand rearing process is time consuming and a specialist role hence the price difference. With a lot of dedication and perseverance it could be possible to tame and teach a young bird if it has not long left the nest.

Nanday Conures can take up to 8 weeks to leave the nest so a 3-4 month old bird would be the oldest we would recommend. Any older than this would be difficult.

Check out our Nanday Conure Adelaide video below.


Nanday Conure Dietary Requirements


The best diet for your Nanday Conure is a quality small parrot seed mixture, high protein crumbles or pellets and some fruit and vegetables.

Fresh, clean water is a must and if you keep your Nanday Conure inside a Vitamin D3 and Calcium Supplement is required. At ABC we use ‘Liquid Gold’.

Download our eBook for more information.

Pet Bird Care – Tips, Tricks and Training

Nanday Conure Cages and Accessories

A cage is important for your Nanday Conure should be enough room for your bird to flap and stretch its wings, a minimum size of 60x60x60cm is recommended. More importantly, is a playground or an area that your bird can have freedom.

Nanday Conures need to be out of their cage to be kept the friendliest and at ABC we have a variety of playgrounds and stands available.


Breeding Nanday Conures

Nanday Conures are easy to breed, they reach maturity at 2 years of age and have 2 clutches a year consisting of 3-5 eggs. The eggs hatch in 25-27 days and the chicks leave the nest at around 8 weeks old but are only fully weaned 2-3 weeks after leaving the nest.

A medium sized parrot nest box lined with parrot nesting material available from ABC is suitable to use for breeding.

If you would like to breed Nanday Conures we recommend to get a genuine pair you make sure they come with DNA certificates so they are definitely male and female and you will have the best chance for them to breed. The price for this type of pair is around $500 pair including DNA.

Nanday Conure Parrots

Nanday Conure Parrots are native to South America, from countries such as Brazil and Guyana. They have great personalities, both male and female talk well but beware that they can be a bit noisy. Belonging to the Aratinga family, these cuddly birds are very amusing. They are easy to train and can learn a few simple words.

Nanday Conures are medium-sized parrots that can grow up to 35 cm long and live between 15 and 30 years. Their plumage is a bright green with a black head and red feathers on the legs. There are no visual difference between male and female. Their beaks and feet are black, and they have white patches of skin around their eyes.

Juvenile birds look very similar to an adult.

Nanday Conure Adelaide 1
Nanday Conure Adelaide 2
Nanday Conure Adelaide 3

Looking to Buy a Nanday Conure in Adelaide?

If you are looking to buy a Nanday Conure in Adelaide, just hit the buttons below and talk to us. We can help you choose the right bird cage for you and give you tips on how to care of your birds.

16 Wiley St, Elizabeth South SA 5112

Open Hours

Monday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


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