Rainbow Lorikeet Adelaide

Are you looking for a new pet Lorikeet and you live near in Adelaide? We are Adelaide Bird Company in Elizabeth South. We specialise in all types of Rainbow Lorikeets, in fact some of the lorikeets are bred on the property in our Breeding Facility.

First of all, you need to decide on what type of Rainbow Lorikeet you are looking for because these days they come in so many different colour mutations.

Secondly, you need to determine whether you are after a SUPER TAME and very friendly hand reared Rainbow Lorikeet or just one to look at and have no interaction. The price would be from around $499 for a friendly bird and $150 for a Lorikeet that has not been hand reared.

Check out the video below of one of our Baby Rainbow Lorikeet.

Rainbow Lorikeet Dietary Requirements


Rainbow Lorikeet’s diet is far different from other breed of birds as they are not seed eaters. These birds have a brush tongue and only fit to eat fruits and nectar on its diet.

The ideal complete diet is a Dry Rainbow Lorikeet Food, a Wet Food and plenty of fresh fruit. You can also avail these 2 types of diet from our shop.

For more detailed information on birds, you can download our EBook below. There are lots of informative and awesome stuff that you will get inside about birds.

Pet Bird Care – Tips, Tricks and Training

Breeding Rainbow Lorikeet

We can help you with how to breed it. The best thing we can recommend you is to make sure that you DNA your birds to make sure they are the perfect pair.

There are lots of incidents that happened in the past that we’ve seen rainbow lorikeets that are not breeding. The number one problem is that both birds have the same sex. It usually happened when a seller claimed that they are a pair even the seller actually doesn’t know. 

If you want to purchase 100% genuine pair that will give you the best chance of breeding, you can coordinate with us about getting a pair of rainbow lorikeet DNA’d. The price would be $200 per pair

Rainbow Lorikeet Birds

We often hear customers asking , Are Rainbow Lorikeets messy? And we answer them YES, YES and YES. The reason behind it is the food that they eat is nectar their poop is very watery.

If you are considering to purchase a Rainbow Lorikeet, make sure that you keep the Rainbow Lorikeet cage on an area with tile flooring or an area where you can clean their dirt easily.

We also have available Rainbow Lorikeet birds which is much cheaper and start at around $100 each. These Rainbow Lorikeets are more fully grown birds which is around 1-2 years of age and almost impossible to train to make a pet. This type of bird is is more fit to be keeping outside in an aviary.

We highly recommend that if you want an awesome pet like Rainbow Lorikeet definitely buy the hand Reared Hand Tame Baby.


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Looking to Buy a Rainbow Lorikeet in Adelaide?

If you are looking to buy a Rainbow Lorikeet in Adelaide, just hit the buttons below and talk to us. We can help you choose the right bird cage for you and give you tips on how to care of your birds.

16 Wiley St, Elizabeth South SA 5112

Open Hours

Monday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


What Our Happy Customers Have To Say

Check out some testimonial videos of our happy customers below.

For inquiries, please fill out the form below and one of our staff will get in touch with you. Thank you for your interest in Adelaide Bird Company.


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