Proper Breeding of Budgies

Proper Breeding of Budgies

One of the most popular Australian pets is the Budgerigar or Budgie. Breeding Budgies is a great hobby, particularly for kids. As well as being very easy and great fun, it teaches them about socialising and other interesting aspects such as applied science. It’s...
Lorikeets As A Pet

Lorikeets As A Pet

There are two main groups of Australian Lorikeets. The Small Lorikeets and larger tropical Lorikeets. Smaller varieties include the Purple Crowned Lorikeet, Scaly, Musk and the Little Lorikeet, approximately 19cm in length. They are relatively quiet, tend not to...
What Can We Do to Keep Our Pet Birds Happy?

What Can We Do to Keep Our Pet Birds Happy?

Bringing a bird into your family is a great thing but a huge responsibility. It’s something that should not be taken lightly; as with any pet, birds have emotions too, and you have to treat them well for them to survive. Different species of birds have different...
Setting up Your Bird’s Cage

Setting up Your Bird’s Cage

Pet birds are becoming more and more popular in Australia. Even though birds spend a lot of their time in a play gym with freedom, a cage is still required. We answer the some of the most common questions below. Your Pet Bird Needs Space   First of all, you’ll need a...

Pet Bird Care – Tips, Tricks and Training

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